Thursday, August 23, 2007

Canada's Criminal Justice System SUCKS

A story in the newspaper today caught my eye and I want to take a moment to comment on it.
You all may or may not have heard that a few nights ago, a lady working a back shift alone at a Petro Canada was sexually assaulted and had her throat slit. It’s very sad to hear that she is in critical condition and may not make it without permanent brain damage caused by her injuries. The man who assaulted her was recently released from prison for many similar assaults. He had served his time and was let out of jail.

This article is about how the province is looking at back shift jobs and how they should be examined to determine if the employees are at “risk” if they are alone. Well, personally, I think this is great that the government is expressing a concern for the safety of the people in these jobs, but I think they are using this “concern” to divert attention from the real issue here. The man who committed the crime was KNOWN to have a history of this violence. He had gone to jail for it in the past. And yet, here he was walking free to commit this crime. Maybe we should be looking at our criminal justice system, examining these people who commit these serious crimes- violent crimes- BEFORE letting them out of jail. Sure, he served the time he was supposed to. But, did anyone evaluate him before he was let back out into the public to determine if he was a danger? And if they had assessed that he was, it wouldn’t have made a difference. I mean, it seems like every other week someone is out of jail and the paper or TV news is reporting that he is out and has been labeled as a “risk to re-offend”. This is especially true of people who commit crimes of sexual assault. There is something seriously wrong with this picture. If someone sexually assaulted someone, was found guilty and served time for it, and then at the end of their sentence the authorities know that they are a risk to re-offend, then they should stay the hell in jail! Forget their rights! What about the rights of the innocent victims? You let a guy out of jail who you KNOW will very likely re-offend, and then he does- well how do you explain that to the little girl or boy whose life is destroyed by the sexual predator, or the family of this poor woman who just had her throat slit and will never again be the same? These people have rights. They have the right to feel safe from these creatures whom our society doesn’t have the balls to put down like the dogs they are, so they should at least be kept locked up, away from the innocent lives they have or could destroy!

THAT is the real issue and our government should stop pussy-tailing around and do the right thing! We need some serious changes here!

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