Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Apparently, I should just give up and buy an etch-a-sketch!

Ever meet someone or work with someone who could always manage to break things!?! That girl in your office for whom the photocopier broke every time she used it? The guy who always seemed to have computer problems? I am one such person. It's not that I am dumb- believe me, it's quite the opposite. I have a fondness for technology and pride myself on my ability to pick up on things quickly. However...technology does not have a fondness for me.
If I need to photocopy something, there will be a major paper jam. A few print jobs and suddenly, some kind of funky printer error will start to occur. A brand new laptop that Jamie borrows to check her emails a few times...and despite the fact that she did nothing other than open up a program, read an email and close it again...oops, laptop won't boot up anymore! And don't even get me started on my own computer here at home! I think merely being in my prescence is making my computer produce it's own worms and break down despite my very up to date virus scan program! Tony says I should just give up and he will buy me an etch-a-sketch or a chalk board. My question for him is...can I get facebook on those?

Some might say I am cursed. A spell cast on me when I was a baby, like a little princess in a fairytale perhaps. This child shall be destined to always cause electronics to break down! Mwah ha ha ha! (That was the witch's evil laugh). Hmmm, not quite as cool or romantic as the stories.

That could be it. But, I am leaning toward a more scientific explanation. A coworker was kind enough to bring me an article one day at work, shortly after I started my job at Grant Thornton, and shortly after having to place a service call for our photocopier...for the umteenth time since I started working there. It was quite interesting, about how there are people in the world who has a particular frequency "aura" or electromagnetic field around them that causes electronic devices to malfunction more frequently in their presence. I am guessing I am one such person. Totally not my fault! Something I was born with like my blue eyes or my red hair! Now if only there was some kind of "fix" for this, like hair dye, colour contacts, or surgery....

But, alas I know of nothing, so I will go on, despite my "curse". Tony will just have to continue being called into my home office to cleanse the air of my harmful aura and make the funky "no one has ever seen this before and what the heck is that!" error messages on my screen go away. And let's just hope the girls at work continue to see the humour in the whole thing and don't decide to can me or lock me in a room with an etch-a-sketch, a safe distance away from their computers!

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