Ella is full of surprises today! Not only is she in a much better mood (knock on wood!!!!) but she began "walking" sideways while holding onto furniture! I saw her do it first this morning- she pulled herself up to standing, holding onto Daddy's chair, and then moved along sideways from the right side of the chair to the left, and then on to her playpen! She just did the exact same thing again this afternoon! I'm amazed and so excited that I got to be here for it. It's a huge milestone and one I was sure would happen in June, while I was at work!
I'm so torn about my return to work. Although I do like my job and work with a great bunch of people, I'm going to be so sad to leave Ella in childcare. I am used to being with her practically 24 hours a day. I love spending time with her and seeing her discover new things! It truly is the most amazing thing in the world, being a Mom. I'm greatful that I got to spend the past 11 months as a SAHM with her, but my mat leave is very soon coming to end and I return to my job May 30th. Anyhoo...getting teary again so gotta go! Ciao for now!
Yeahhhh Ella!!! :) It's so much fun to see them doing their firsts! I'm glad you got to see her. She looks so totally proud of herself in the second pic here! Too cute! :)
Well, if your hubbie got lots of referrals from your acquaintances, maybe you COULD be a stay at home mom. ;)
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