Friday, June 22, 2007

A Picture Perfect Day!

Here are some pics of Ella both at home and during our "outing" today! Diana and I took the girls, Ella and Daniela to get their photos done at Superstore. We will have the pics tomorrow and I can't wait! I was expecting Ella to be crabby by the time we got there (especially after the wait to get in) but she was a very good girl. She is so happy all the time lately - the opposite of last month during the teething! :)

Oh, for anyone who doesn't know this story already, Daniela is Ella's best little friend. The two girls were born on the exact same day, only seven hours apart!

1 comment:

Diana Jiron Graff said...

It was fun wasn't it, you probably won't want to take us out again though, making you wait, then making you wait again at Super stores ;) but the end result was great! I love the photos !!!