Here is Ella this morning, still in her jammies.
A very odd thing happened this morning! Ella slept in....
No, really, she did!
Seriously, I thought I was in the twilight zone and was confused for quite some time this morning. Ella is usually more precise than an alarm clock, set for exactly 5:30am so imagine our surprise to wake up to daylight this morning and it was 6am! Yay us! Such a nice treat! Thanks, Ella-Boo! Keep it up! (ha ha, yeah right...we'll be back to normal tomorrow, I betcha!)
Here is my little beauty, Ella Delia. She was almost 10 months old when this pic was taken.
Here are some current facts about Ella. She LOVES Cheerios and has them pretty much every day! She adores the Backyardigans and Miffy. She loves music and is quite the cute little dancer. Sometimes she'll be sitting on the floor playing with her toys and all of a sudden will start grooving to whatever song is one, whether it's Row Row Your Boat, or Black Eyed Peas. Her very favourite song is Wheels on the Bus, which she learned in swim class (Water Babies). She LOVES the water and I really need to get her back to the pool for some swims now that Water Babies is over! She has two teeth, both on the bottom, in the middle. She has a little white bump on the top and it looks (and seems by her mood swings) like a top one is about to break through! She is crawling and pulling herself up to standing constantly lately. She has an abundance of energy and can't seem to sit still. Even in her high chair, she is constantly squirming and moving around. Definitely the same little baby I had wiggling around and kicking my ribs inside 10 and a half months ago! One of her favourite activities lately is scurrying down the hall on all fours and playing with the office door (or bathroom door, or bedroom door...it doesn't matter!) She's a real charmer and loves people. Sometimes I think she gets bored seeing only mommy and daddy so much because when she gets in a bad mood, all you need to do is take her out to see other people and she's happy as a clam! She has the most beautiful smile, and fortunately, she is a very happy baby and we see that smile lots! :)