Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Well...I now have a BLOG. Welcome to the here and now!

I've been seeing all these blogs lately and thinking to myself, holy crap! Who has the time or the energy to do that? Well, I certainly don't, but I'm going to give it a whirl anyway! Hi, I'm Jamie White and this is my blog. I'm 27 years old, and currently on maternity leave caring for my beautiful 10 1/2 month old daughter, Ella. You will likely see lots of her on here. She is my whole world! As she should be. We live in Lower Sackville along with my wonderful husband, Tony White. Life is fairly simple, I think. We're a cute couple, living in the 'burbs, raising our daughter. Sorry, but if you are looking for excitement, this isn't the place to be.

Hmmmm...what can I tell you about me? Well, I like to do crafty things, like scrapbook and stamp. OK, so I'm not being as clear as I should be. I am a total ADDICT when it comes to scrapbooking and I love taking pictures, especially of Ella! She is only 10 and a half months old and I have 2 12x12 baby albums of her up to the end of her 5th month. I'm so hooked on scrapbooking that I signed up to be a Creative Memories consultant JUST so I can get my scrapbooking supplies at cost prices! I also love making cards- birthday cards, Christmas cards, and thanks to all my stamping friends in Dartmouth, this is becoming quite the addiction as well.

I am also kind of a geek, but that is OK because I am comfortable with it! I am a HUGE Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan and there has been a little hole in my heart ever since the show went off the air a few years back. Fortunately, they recently came out with a "Season 8" comic book which is somewhat helping to fill the void.

I am a huge couch potato- Tony and I watch a lot of TV. My biggest fave right now is the show HEROES. I like playing poker, though I don't do it very often, just once in a while with friends. Tony knows much more about poker than I do and plays a lot more often...though I tend to kick his butt whenever we play lol! Most of the time, not all.... Sorry, honey!

A typical day for me is spent at home, playing with Ella. We try to get out once a week to playdates with friends, and when the weather is nice, we go for walks.

That's about it, I think. That's me. Chat with you later!

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